Defense and accusation by our criminal lawyers in any type of crime or misdemeanor

Defense in criminal trials

Defense in jury trials

Defense in juvenile trials

Assistance to the detainee before the Police and in the Courts

· Criminal accusation: complaints and complaints

Private prosecution and popular prosecution

· Economic crimes, crimes against people, traffic crimes, robberies, domestic violence, crimes against honor; and any matter of criminal law that is of interest to you

· Application for the third degree of prison

Request for parole

· Assistance before Courts: Investigating Courts, Criminal Courts, Provincial Courts, Superior Courts of Justice, Jury Court, National Court, Supreme Court and Constitutional Court

Petition for provisional release

Petition for pardons

· Within the scope of action of criminal lawyers is the representation and defense before Courts, Tribunals, Hearings and even the criminal police stations themselves. The crimes and misdemeanors of which the Criminal Lawyers will defend you are found in the Penal Code.

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